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Lenin Library

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Terms: concrete analysis of the concrete situation

1662 File(s) Searched 97 Match(es) Found

Match(es) 21 to 30

  • File Name: DCRv.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: The Development of Capitalism in Russia -- Ch. 7 & 8
  • 1 occurence(s) of the search term concrete
  • 5 occurence(s) of the search term analysis
  • 3154 occurence(s) of the search term of
  • 5146 occurence(s) of the search term the
  • 1 occurence(s) of the search term concrete
  • 5 occurence(s) of the search term situation Description:
    7 & 8 V. I. Lenin THE DEVELOPMENT OFCAPITALISM IN RUSSIA The Process of the Formation of aHome Market for Large-Scale Industry [Part 5 -- Chapters VII and VIII]   Written in 1896-99.    First printed in book   form at the end of   March 1899     Published according to the text     of the second edition    From V. I. Lenin, Collected Works, 4th English Edition, Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow, 1961 Vo. The Development of Capitalism in Russia -- C.21-603. Translated by Joe Fineberg and by George Hanna Edited by Victor Jerome Prepared © for the Internet by David J. Romagnolo, (November 1997) C O N T E N T S [Part 5]   Chapter VII.   T h e  D e v e l o p m e n t  o f  L a r g e - S c a l e               M a c h i n e  I n d u s t r y .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 454 I.  The Scientific Conception of the Factory and the Signifi-cance of "Factory" Statisitics  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 454 II. Our Factory Statistics .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 456   There sources 456. -- Publications of the 60s 457-458. -- The specific character of the Military Statistical Abstract 459-461. -- M

  • File Name: DDIZ00.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: Declaration of . . . "Iskra" and "Zarya"
  • 1 occurence(s) of the search term concrete
  • 1 occurence(s) of the search term analysis
  • 297 occurence(s) of the search term of
  • 532 occurence(s) of the search term the
  • 1 occurence(s) of the search term concrete
  • 1 occurence(s) of the search term situation Description:
    4, p. Declaration of . . . "Iskra" and "Zarya" V. I. Lenin DRAFT of A DECLARATION of THE EDITORIAL BOARD of ISKRA AND ZARYA Written in the spring of 1900  First published in 1925 in Lenin Miscellany IV Published according to a manuscript copied by an unknown hand  From V. I. Lenin, Collected Works, 4th English Edition, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1972 First printing 1960 Second printing 1964 Third printing 1972 Vo.     We are passing through an extremely important period in the history of the Russian working-class movement and Russian Social-Democrac

  • File Name: DDTP06.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: Dissoultion of the Duma . . . Tasks of the Proletariat
  • 1 occurence(s) of the search term concrete
  • 3 occurence(s) of the search term analysis
  • 506 occurence(s) of the search term of
  • 1018 occurence(s) of the search term the
  • 1 occurence(s) of the search term concrete
  • 12 occurence(s) of the search term situation Description:
    11, p. Dissoultion of the Duma . . . Tasks of the Proletariat V. I. Lenin THE DISSOLUTION of THE DUMA AND THE TASKS of THE PROLETARIAT Written in mid-July 1906  Published in pamphlet form in August 1906 by the Novaya Volna Publishers, Moscow Published according to   the pamphlet text       From V. I. Lenin, Collected Works, 4th English Edition, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1965 Second Impression Vo.Let us note the foremost of these: (1) the general estimate of this political event in the course of our revolution; (2) the definition of the content of the further struggle and of the slogans under which it must be carried on; (3) the definition of the form of this future struggle; (4) the choice of the moment for the struggle, or, more correctly, an appraisal of the conditions that could help in the correct choice of the momen

  • File Name: DPOP99.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: A Draft Programme of Our Party
  • 1 occurence(s) of the search term concrete
  • 2 occurence(s) of the search term analysis
  • 716 occurence(s) of the search term of
  • 1282 occurence(s) of the search term the
  • 1 occurence(s) of the search term concrete
  • 2 occurence(s) of the search term situation Description:
    I       Published according to the manuscript    From V. I. Lenin, Collected Works, 4th English Edition, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1972 First printing 1960 Second printing 1964 Third printing 1972 Vo. A Draft Programme of Our Party V. I. Lenin A DRAFT PROGRAMMEOF OUR PARTY Written at the end of 1899  First published in 1924 in the first edition of V.I. Lenin's Collected Works, Vo.227-54. Translated by Joe Fineberg and by George Hanna Edited by Victor Jerome Prepared © for the Internet by David J. Romagnolo, (January 1998) page 229   A DRAFT PROGRAMME OF OUR PARTY[93]     The thing to begin with, most likely, is the question of whether there is really a pressing need for a programme of the Russian Social-Democrat

  • File Name: EC19.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: Eighth Congress of the R.C.P.(B.)
  • 8 occurence(s) of the search term concrete
  • 1 occurence(s) of the search term analysis
  • 1381 occurence(s) of the search term of
  • 3326 occurence(s) of the search term the
  • 8 occurence(s) of the search term concrete
  • 21 occurence(s) of the search term situation Description:
    29, p. Eighth Congress of the R.C.P.(B.) V. I. Lenin EIGHTH CONGRESS of THE R.C.P.(B.) MARCH 18-23, 1919    Published in Pravda, March-April 1919      Published according to the book Eighth Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks), Verbatim Report, Kommunist Publishers, Moscow, 1919 Verified with the shorthand notes and the Pravda text From V. I. Lenin, Collected Works, 4th English Edition, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1965 Vo.Comrades, as many people said at his funeral today, Yakov Mikhailovich Sverdlov was, for the Party as a whole and for the entire Soviet Republic, the principal organiser, but he was much more valuable for our Party Congress and much closer to i

  • File Name: EC22.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: Eleventh Congress of the R.C.P.(B.)
  • 2 occurence(s) of the search term concrete
  • 1 occurence(s) of the search term analysis
  • 920 occurence(s) of the search term of
  • 2448 occurence(s) of the search term the
  • 2 occurence(s) of the search term concrete
  • 19 occurence(s) of the search term situation Description:
    33, p. Eleventh Congress of the R.C.P.(B.) V. I. Lenin ELEVENTH CONGRESSOF THE R.C.P.(B.) March 27-April 22, 1922 First published in Odinnadisaty syezd R.K.P.(B.), Stenografichesky otchot (Eleventh Congress of the Russian Communist Party [Bol- sheviks], Verbatim Report), Moscow, Publishing Department of the Cen- tral Committee of the R.C.P.(B.) Published according to the text in the book checked with the verbatim report; speech at the closing session published accordig to the manuscript    From V. I. Lenin, Collected Works, 4th English Edition, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1966 Vo.     Comrades, you have gathered in congress after a whole year, in the course of which we have, for the first time, been free from the intervention and invasion of capitalist countries, at all events, in their most direct for

  • File Name: ECN94.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: The Economic Content of Narodism
  • 23 occurence(s) of the search term concrete
  • 14 occurence(s) of the search term analysis
  • 3689 occurence(s) of the search term of
  • 7373 occurence(s) of the search term the
  • 23 occurence(s) of the search term concrete
  • 11 occurence(s) of the search term situation Description:
    Critical Remarks on the Subject of Russia's Economic Developmen. The Economic Content of Narodism V. I. Lenin THE ECONOMIC CONTENT of NARODISM AND THE CRITICISM of IT IN MR. STRUVE'S BOOK (THE REFLECTION of MARXISM IN BOURGEOIS LITERATURE) P. Struv.Petersburg, 1894 Written: end of 1894 - beginning of 1895 First published over the signature of K. Tulin in the miscellany entitled Material for a Characterisation of Our Economic Developmen

  • File Name: ECN94i.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: The Economic Content of Narodism [Chs. 1 and 2]
  • 8 occurence(s) of the search term concrete
  • 2 occurence(s) of the search term analysis
  • 1853 occurence(s) of the search term of
  • 3835 occurence(s) of the search term the
  • 8 occurence(s) of the search term concrete
  • 4 occurence(s) of the search term situation Description:

  • File Name: ECN94ii.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: The Economic Content of Narodism [Chs. 3 and 4]
  • 15 occurence(s) of the search term concrete
  • 12 occurence(s) of the search term analysis
  • 1856 occurence(s) of the search term of
  • 3554 occurence(s) of the search term the
  • 15 occurence(s) of the search term concrete
  • 7 occurence(s) of the search term situation Description:

  • File Name: ECS20.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: Eighth All-Russia Congress of Soviets
  • 4 occurence(s) of the search term concrete
  • 1 occurence(s) of the search term analysis
  • 1410 occurence(s) of the search term of
  • 2686 occurence(s) of the search term the
  • 4 occurence(s) of the search term concrete
  • 24 occurence(s) of the search term situation Description:
    Verbatim Report Report on concessions and speech to the R.C.P.(B.) group are published according to the verbatim report; report on the work of the Council of People's Commissars, and reply to the debate -- according to the text in the book   From V. I. Lenin, Collected Works, 4th English Edition, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1966 Vo. Eighth All-Russia Congress of Soviets V. I. Lenin THE EIGHTH ALL-RUSSIA CONGRESS of SOVIETS DECEMBER 22-29, 1920 Report on concessions; speech to the R.C.P.(B.) group on December 24 and draft resolutions of the Congress were first published in 1930; report on the work of the Council of People's Commissars, and reply to the debate were published in 1921 in the book The Eighth All-Russia Congress of Soviet.461-534. Translated from the Russian Edited by Julius Katzer Prepared © for the Internet by David J. Romagnolo, (July 2000) THE EIGHTH ALL-RUSSIA CONGRESS OF SOVIETS, December 22-29, 1920[161]  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 461   1.   REPORT ON CONCESSIONS DELIVERED TO THE R C.P.(B.) GROUP AT THE EIGHTH CONGRESS OF SOVIETS, DECEM- BER 21  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  462 2.  REPORT ON THE WORK OF THE COUNCIL OF PEOPLE'S COMMISSARS, DECEMBER 22   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 487 3.  REPLY TO THE DEBATE ON THE REPORT ON THE WORK OF THE COUNCIL OF PEOPLE.'S COMMISSARS, DECEMBER 23 519 4.   SPEECH DELIVERED AT A MEETING OF THE R.C P.(B.) GROUP OF THE EIGHTH CONGRESS OF SOVIETS, DECEM- BER 24  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  525 5.  DRAFT RESOLUTION OF THE EIGHTH CONGRESS OF SOV-IETS ON THE REPORT ON ELECTRIFICATION .   .   .   .   . 532 6.  DRAFT RESOLUTION OF THE R.C.P.(B.) GROUP OF THE EIGHTH CONGRESS OF SOVIETS   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 534 NOTES page 462 [blank] page 463 1 REPORT ON CONCESSIONS DELIVERED TO THE R C.P.(B.) GROUP AT THE EIGHTH CONGRESS OF SOVIETS DECEMBER 21     Comrades, I think you have made a fully correct decision by preferring the discussion on concessions to be held first in the Party grou

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