A MIRROR FOR R E V I S I O N I S T S  FOREIGN LANGUAGES PRESS P E K I N G From Marx to Mao ML © Digital Reprints 2006 A M I R R O R F O R R E V I S I O N I S T S ³Renmin Ribao² Editorial, March 9, 1963 FOREIGN LANGUAGES PRESS PEKING 1963 Printed in the People¹s Republic of China 1 In the past twelve months, the revisionist clique headed by Dange have seized the leadership of the Communist Party of India by taking advantage of the large-scale campaign launched by the ruling groups of the Indian big bourgeoisie and big landlords against China, against communism and against the Indian people. They have betrayed Marxism-Leninism and proletarian internationalism, betrayed the revolutionary cause of the Indian proletariat and the Indian people and embarked on the road of national chauvinism and class capitulationism, thus creating complete chaos in the Indian Communist Party. Their intention is to turn the Indian Communist Party into an appendage of India¹s big bourgeoisie and big landlords and a lackey of the Nehru government. How low have Dange and company sunk? Let us first look at Dange¹s letter of greetings to Nehru, dated November 14, 1962, on the occasion of the latter¹s birthday. Here is the full text: My dear Panditji, Allow me to convey our heartfelt congratulations to you on behalf of the Communist Party of India on your 73rd birthday. You have inspired and led heroically the Indian nation in its struggle for national freedom. In the post-independence period you have laid the foundations of a new Indian nation pledged to the policies of planned development, democracy, socialism, peace, non-alignment and anti-colonialism. 2 Today, in this hour of grave crisis created by the Chinese aggression, the nation has mustered around you as a man to safeguard its honour, integrity and sovereignty. The Communist Party of India pledges its unqualified support to your policies of national defence and national unity. May you live long to realise your ideals of building a prosperous and socialist India. This is not an ordinary courtesy letter. In his letter, (1) Dange completely sides with the Indian reactionaries and violently opposes socialist China; (2) Dange pledges the Indian Communist Party¹s support to the Nehru government¹s ³policies of national defence and national unity² which are directed against China, against communism and against the Indian people, and what is more, he pledges, not support in general, but ³unqualified support²; and (3) Dange places his reliance on Nehru, the representative of the big bourgeoisie and big landlords, to bring about socialism in India. This letter is the Dange clique¹s political oath of betrayal of the Indian proletariat; it is an indenture by which they sell themselves to the Indian big bourgeoisie and big landlords and the Nehru government. The Dange clique have revealed their revisionist features more and more clearly ever since the Nehru government provoked the Sino-Indian border conflict in 1959. For the past three years or so, they have identified themselves with the stand of the big bourgeoisie and big landlords and served as the apologists and hatchet men of the Nehru government in the anti-China campaign. Yours sincerely, S. A. Dange Chairman, C.P.I. 3 (1) In complete disregard of the historical background and the actual situation with regard to the Sino- Indian boundary, the Dange clique have unconditionally supported the Nehru government in its territorial claims on China. With regard to the eastern sector of the Sino- Indian boundary, they assert that the illegal McMahon Line is a ³virtually demarcated border line² and that it constitutes the ³border of India². With regard to the western and middle sectors of the Sino-Indian boundary, they describe the Nehru government¹s unjustified claims as ³correct². (2) In complete disregard of the fact that the Indian ruling groups have deliberately provoked the border conflict to meet their internal and external political requirements, the Dange clique have tried to shift the responsibility for the border conflict on to China, alleging that China ³has a wrong political assessment of the Indosituation² and ³hence this dispute was created². (3) Instead of revealing the truth about the constant encroachments on China by Indian troops over the past three years and more, the Dange clique, following Nehru, have on a number of occasions most viciously slandered and attacked China to suit the wishes of the reactionary ruling groups of India. They have asserted that China ³has committed a breach of faith², that China wants to ³settle a border dispute with India by force of arms², that China ³insists on the old maps of all their old emperors², that China is given to ³a fanatic ambition to restore what it considers its historical geographical national-state form², that China ³will lay down his life and fight against his neighbour and brother² ³even for an inch of a hedge², that China has been ³overcome by something of Bonapartism², that 4 China has taken a ³militarist and recalcitrant attitude² and ³now threatens even world peace², and so on and so forth. (4) Instead of condemning the Nehru government for its obstinate stand in perpetuating tension along the Sino-Indian border and spurning a peaceful settlement, the Dange clique have done their utmost to justify the Nehru government¹s attitude in rejecting negotiations. They have expressed their ³full support² for the precondition which the Nehru government laid down for the resumption of negotiations. (5) The Dange clique have shamelessly provided cover for the large-scale attacks launched by Indian troops against China. Seven days after the order issued by Nehru on October 12, 1962 to ³free² Chinese territory of the Chinese frontier guards who were safeguarding it, Dange issued a statement, talking about ³intrusion by the Chinese forces to the south of the McMahon Line, thus violating Indian territory², and saying that ³we take the Indian Government¹s report as true in this respect². (6) After the Nehru government had mounted a large-scale armed attack on China, the Dange clique clamoured for the ³defence of the Motherland². On November 1 and December 2, 1962 and on February 12, 1963, they issued successive anti-China resolutions which pledge full support to the Nehru government¹s ³policies of national defence and national unity², inveigle the people into making ³greater voluntary sacrifices², support the Nehru government in ³buying arms from any country² and back its policy of ganging up with U.S imperialism. 5 It is only too clear that, cloaked as Communists, the Dange clique have played a role which the Nehru government cannot play in deceiving the people, stirring up reactionary nationalist sentiment and undermining the friendship between China and India. No wonder the Home Minister of the Nehru government said gleefully not long ago: ³What better reply could be given to China than the leader of the Communist Party in this country, Mr. Dange, himself condemning the Chinese stand and upholding the viewpoint of the Government of India?² The national chauvinism of the Dange clique runs counter not only to the interests of the Indian proletariat but also to the interests of the overwhelming majority of the Indian people, that is, to the national interests of India. Internally, the national chauvinism of the Dange clique serves the reactionary nationalist purposes of India¹s big bourgeoisie and big landlords; externally, it serves the purposes of U.S. imperialism which is promoting neo-colonialism in India. Their chauvinistic policy is a policy that provides support for the Nehru government in repressing the Indian people and in hiring itself to imperialism at the cost of national independence. Their policy constitutes a betrayal of the international proletariat as well as a betrayal of the Indian people. From the very first day the Nehru government launched its massive armed attack, the Dange clique, going further and further, have unfolded a whole series of activities in support of the Nehru government¹s ³policies of national defence and national unity², and they have pursued their line of class capitulation ever more thoroughly. Here is a striking example. Four days after the all-out attack by the Indian forces on the Chinese border, and 6 after Nehru had called upon all workers ³not to indulge in strikes², Dange, in his capacity as the General Secretary of the All-India Trade Union Congress, rushed in with a letter to Nehru. He proposed that a tripartite conference of representatives of workers, employers and the government be held to discuss ³the problems of the production front and defence². The Nehru government readily accepted his advice and lost no time in calling such a tripartite meeting. The meeting adopted a unanimous resolution prohibiting the workers from engaging in strikes or slow-downs and urging them to work extra hours, contribute to the ³National Defence Fund² and subscribe to ³Defence Bonds². By this action Dange directly assisted the Indian big bourgeoisie to sabotage the workers¹ movement, deprive the workers of their basic rights and intensify the exploitation and enslavement of the working people. This shameless action which Dange took as Chairman of the Communist Party of India and General Secretary of the All-India Trade Union Congress proves that he has wholly turned himself into an instrument of the ruling class for repressing the working class and the working people. Here is another striking example. In November 1962, S. G. Sardesai, a member of the Dange clique on the Central Executive Committee of the Indian Communist Party, had a leaflet distributed, which reads in part: ³Our moral responsibility to defend our country when a socialist country attacks us is greater than that of our other compatriots, not less.² ³It is our sincere and fervent appeal to the ruling party, the National Congress, as also to all other patriotic parties that we must set aside all our differences at this crucial hour 7 and unite under the common national flag. The only test and consideration at the moment must be national defence. . . . ³. . . we declare explicitly that even if we are excluded from the collective efforts for national defence, we shall still devote all our energy to the same cause . . . We shall carry i t out without expecting the slightest reward, even if some of our own compatriots attempt to treat us as pariahs . . . ³The crucial need of the day, the acid test of our patriotism, is . . . . to give monolithic support to Prime Minister Nehru to strengthen his hands, and to carry out his behests. He is the country¹s supreme field marshal, its commander-in-chief.² Look! How perfect is the devotion of the Dange clique to Nehru! How disgustingly they fawn upon the Indian Congress Party! And what fanatical national chauvinism! They are straining themselves to serve the interests of the big bourgeoisie and the big landlords of India and to drive the broad masses of the Indian people to take a stand against socialist China. Does this have anything in common with proletarian internationalism or with genuine Indian patriotism? Here is yet another striking example. In November 1962 in a report to the General Council of the All-India Trade Union Congress Dange said: ³We do not lay down conditions for defending our country. Because the country belongs to the people. I do not hold the view that in a condition like ours, we should decide our behaviour by asking whether the country is ours or of the national bourgeoisie.² ³. . . we unconditionally support the war effort.² ³My unconditional support to Nehru Government is there in the matter of defence.² ³We have to stand by our nationalism. . .² ³. . . under conditions of the national emergency, defence and near-war conditions require that the trade unions of the AITUC do modify temporarily their normal relations with 8 the bourgeoisie, their functioning and approach to the questions of the working class.² ³. . . we as the working class say that for the time being, we suspend the question of strike struggles and protecting our class interests by that method.² ³Industrial truce is, in a sense, Œclass collaboration¹. But it is consciously accepted. . .² ³The question of unstinted support to national bourgeoisie at this juncture of history was not a matter contradictory to the principles of working class movement.² ³So we support the war effort, we are with the national bourgeoisie. . . Don¹t hesitate. The more you hesitate, the more you will be confused.² Here Dange, completely denying the class nature of the state, openly describes as belonging to the people a state which is under the dictatorship of the big bourgeoisie and big landlords. He has completely gone over to the side of the bourgeoisie and has publicly called for unstinted support of the bourgeoisie. Completely abandoning the Marxist-Leninist theory of class struggle, he openly advocates class collaboration. Dange and company have thoroughly degenerated and become cat¹s-paws of the Indian big bourgeoisie. What is even more shocking is that, while closing ranks with the Nehru government under the slogan of ³national unity², Dange and company have used the power of the Indian ruling groups to push aside the people who disagree with them within the Indian Communist Party and to split the Party wide apart. After China had effected a cease-fire and withdrawn her frontier guards on her own initiative, the Nehru government, acting on a list of names previously furnished to it, made nation-wide arrests, throwing into gaol eight or nine hundred members and leading cadres of different levels of the Indian 9 Communist Party, who are loyal to the cause of the proletariat and the people. While ³calling on all members of the Party not to be provoked by the arrests but carry out the policies of the Party with calm and cool determination², the Dange clique exploited the situation and sent their trusted followers, on the heels of the police, to take over the leading organs of the Party committees in a number of states. The purpose of these actions by the Dange clique was to reconstitute the Indian Communist Party and wreck the Indian revolutionary movement so as to serve the ends of the big bourgeoisie. Furthermore, Dange and company are assisting the Nehru government to hoodwink the people with its sham ³socialism². They laud Nehru as ³the symbol of national unity² and say, ³When you have such a person at the head of the nation, and we [Dange and company] take our correct position inside the common front, the front grows into a leading force for future development. What future development? For Socialism!² The Moscow Statement clearly points out that Communists should expose the demagogic use by bourgeois politicians of socialist slogans. But Dange and company have done nothing to expose Nehru¹s so-called socialism; on the contrary, they have tried to convince the Indian Communists and the Indian people that Nehru is really pursuing a policy of socialism and should be given unstinted support. They have publicly asked the Congress Party to co-operate with the Indian Communist Party in order to build socialism in India under the leadership of the Nehru government. We would like to ask: If the Dange clique believe that Nehru and his Congress Party can be depended upon to realize socialism, what need 10 is there for a Communist Party controlled by Dange and company? The series of facts just cited make it evident that the Dange clique are sliding farther and farther down the path of revisionism. They have replaced the theory of class struggle by the slogan of class collaboration, and they have replaced proletarian socialism by bourgeois socialism. They are devotedly defending the dictatorship of the big bourgeoisie and big landlords, and have cast to the winds the revolutionary cause of the Indian proletariat and the Indian people. They are giving unconditional support to the Nehru government in its policy of hiring itself to U.S. imperialism and have totally abandoned the task of fighting imperialism. They are trampling underfoot the friendship between the Chinese and Indian peoples and are acting as buglers for Nehru¹s anti-China campaign. For proletarian internationalism they have substituted bourgeois chauvinism. In brief, the Dange clique have already gone so far in their degeneration that they have betrayed Marxism-Leninism and proletarian internationalism, and they are sinking deeper and deeper into the swamp of class capitulationism and national chauvinism. This is not the first time in history that revisionists like Dange and company have turned up in a Communist Party. Since World War II, revisionist trends have afflicted the Communist Parties of a number of countries. Renegades from Marxism-Leninism, like Browder and Gates in the United States, Larsen in Denmark and Shojiro Kasuga in Japan have appeared in a good many Parties. And it is not only in Communist Parties of capitalist countries that such renegades have made their appearance; in 11 Yugoslavia where the proletariat once held power, there emerged the revisionist Tito clique which betrayed Marxism-Leninism. It is important for Communists throughout the world to draw lessons from the damage these traitorous cliques have inflicted on the cause of communism The Tito clique provides a mirror. It reveals how a group of renegades following a revisionist line corrupt a Party and cause a socialist country to degenerate into a capitalist country. The Dange clique provides another mirror. It reveals how the leaders of a Communist Party in a capitalist country take the road of revisionism, slide down it and end up as the servants and the tail of the bourgeoisie. Today, the Indian Communists and the Indian people find themselves in a most difficult situation. The Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese people have a deep concern and profound sympathy for the Indian Communists who are persisting in their struggle for the Communist cause, and for the Indian proletariat and the Indian people who have a glorious revolutionary tradition. No reactionaries, no revisionists can block the advance of the Indian people. Relying on the proletariat and the broad masses of the people, the forces of Marxism- Leninism will in the end overcome all difficulties, and develop and expand through complex and tortuous struggles. History will prove that those who are firmly upholding truth and justice and firmly adhering to Marxism-Leninism and proletarian internationalism are the genuine representatives of the interests of the Indian people and the Indian nation. India¹s future is in their hands. Today, the relations between China and India are also passing through a difficult period. The Indian reactionaries and revisionists are trying hard to undermine the friendship between the peoples of China and India. The imperialists are also doing their best to fish in troubled waters and to sow dissension. But there is every reason not to underestimate the strength of the great friendship which exists between the two peoples and which has a long tradition. Compared with the great strength of this friendship, the Indian reactionaries and the Dange revisionist clique are a handful of pygmies. In the last analysis, nobody can undermine the friendship between the peoples of China and India or the friendship between the Chinese Communists and the Indian Communists. xytuAuBCDE * abcdecd ( fg ) 1963h 3 ij1d kl: ( m ) 3050‹557 0 0 0 1 7 3‹E‹554p PAMPHLETS TO READ Editorials from Renmin Ribao (People¹s Daily) and Hongqi (Red Flag) WORKERS OF ALL COUNTRIES, UNITE, OPPOSE OUR COMMON ENEMY English, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Japanese Vietnamese, Arabic, Thai and Esperanto THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN COMRADE TOGLIATTI AND US English, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Japanese Vietnamese, Arabic, Thai and Esperanto LENINISM AND MODERN REVISIONISM English, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Japanese Vietnamese, Arabic, Thai and Esperanto LET US UNIT ON THE BASIS OF THE MOSCOW DECLARATION AND THE MOSCOW STATEMENT English, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Japanese Vietnamese, Arabic, Hindi, Thai and Esperanto WHENCE THE DIFFERENCE? ‹ A Reply to Thorez and Other Comrades English, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Japanese Vietnamese, Arabic, Hindi, Thai, Italian and Esperanto A COMMENT ON THE STATEMENT OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF THE U.S.A. English, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Japanese Vietnamese, Arabic, Hindi, Thai, Italian and Esperanto All the above are Published by: FOREIGN LANGUAGES PRESS Pa Wan Chaung, Peking (37), China Distributed by: GUOZI SHUDAN P.O. Box 399, Peking, China