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Terms: women

123 File(s) Searched 43 Match(es) Found

Match(es) 11 to 15

  • File Name: ESC76..html
    Modified: 14 August 2015
    Title: Essays in Self-Criticism
  • 1 Occurence(s) of the search term womenDescription:
        One must therefore be explici.The Union of the French People is the union of working people, democrats and patriots around the working class ; it is a union, at the grass roots, of the masses of the people in protest and struggle: workers, peasants, employees, artisans, tradesmen, intellectuals, women, soldiers, et.The union of political, trades union and other organizations is both the effect and the condition of the struggle: but it is the Union of the French People which is the decisive motor of the struggl

  • File Name: ESC76ii.html
    Modified: 14 August 2015
    Title: Essays in Self-Criticism - Part 2
  • 1 Occurence(s) of the search term womenDescription:
        One must therefore be explici.The Union of the French People is the union of working people, democrats and patriots around the working class ; it is a union, at the grass roots, of the masses of the people in protest and struggle: workers, peasants, employees, artisans, tradesmen, intellectuals, women, soldiers, et.The union of political, trades union and other organizations is both the effect and the condition of the struggle: but it is the Union of the French People which is the decisive motor of the struggl

  • File Name: FM65.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: For Marx
  • 8 Occurence(s) of the search term womenDescription:
    With this fog we already find ourselves in an Italy unlike the Italy of our myth.And the people strolling at day's end from booth to booth, between the fortune-tellers, the circus and all the attractions of the fairground: unemployed, artisans, semi-beggars, girls on the look-out, old men and women on the watch for the odd halfpenny, soldiers on a spree, pickpockets chased by the cops . . . neither are these people the people of our myths, they are a sub-proletariat passing the time as best they can before supper (not for all of them) and res.A good thirty characters who come and go in this empty space, waiting for who knows what, for something to happen, the show perhap

  • File Name: FM65ii.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: For Marx [Part 2]
  • 8 Occurence(s) of the search term womenDescription:
    With this fog we already find ourselves in an Italy unlike the Italy of our myth.And the people strolling at day's end from booth to booth, between the fortune-tellers, the circus and all the attractions of the fairground: unemployed, artisans, semi-beggars, girls on the look-out, old men and women on the watch for the odd halfpenny, soldiers on a spree, pickpockets chased by the cops . . . neither are these people the people of our myths, they are a sub-proletariat passing the time as best they can before supper (not for all of them) and res.A good thirty characters who come and go in this empty space, waiting for who knows what, for something to happen, the show perhap

  • File Name: HCPSU39i.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: History of the C.P.S.U.(B.) -- Ch. 1-4
  • 5 Occurence(s) of the search term womenDescription:
    The exploitation of female and child labour was widely resorted t.Children worked the same hours as adults, but, like the women, received a much smaller wag.Wages were inordinately lo

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