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Terms: women

123 File(s) Searched 43 Match(es) Found

Match(es) 31 to 35

  • File Name: PSPS90i.html
    Modified: 30 October 2003
    Title: Philosophy and the Spontaneous Philosophy of Scientists
  • 10 Occurence(s) of the search term womenDescription:
    This 'guide' is dialectical materialis.And since there is no other 'guide' over and above dialectical materialism, we can understand why Lenin attributed an absolutely decisive importance to the adoption of a scientific position on philosophy; we can understand why dialectical materialism demands the highest consciousness and the strictest scientific rigour, the most careful theoretical vigilance: because it is the last possible recourse in the theoretical domain - at least for men and women who, like us, are liberated from religious myths of divine omniscience, or their profane version: dogmatis.   4. Nature of a Science, Constitution of a Science, Development of a Science, Scientific Research If, as we think, Marx's doctrine is a scientific doctrine, if all the goals and all the means of action of Communists are based on the application of the results of Marx's scientific theories, our first duty clearly concerns the science that furnishes us with the means to understand the reality of the historical world and to transform i

  • File Name: PSPS90iii.html
    Modified: 30 October 2003
    Title: Philosophy and the Spontaneous Philosophy of Scientists
  • 1 Occurence(s) of the search term womenDescription:
    Exploitation, however, cannot be reduced to this surplus-value, but must be thought in its concrete forms and condition.That is to say, it must be thought within the implacable constraints of the labour process (extension, intensification, compartmentalization) and the division and discipline of the organization of labour, on the one hand; and the conditions of the reproduction of the labour force (consumption, housing, family, education, health, questions of women, etc.), on the othe.Undoubtedly, Marx did not identify exploitation solely with the arithmetical subtraction of valu

  • File Name: RCSU75.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: Restoration of Capitalism in the USSR
  • 1 Occurence(s) of the search term womenDescription:
    The complete series is reproduced here without alteration apart from a more logical breakdown into chapters, as noted belo.     The study does not aim to answer every important question about the U.S.S.R. The situation of the minority nationalities and of women, the state of Soviet agriculture, U.S.S.R. foreign policy and a number of other topics are merely touched o.The investigation concentrates on the bare minimum elements of political economy necessary and sufficient to answer the question posed in the original titl

  • File Name: TGR90.html
    Modified: 29 November 2003
    Title: The Great Reversal
  • 11 Occurence(s) of the search term womenDescription:
    In the majority of cases the individuals involved and their families still retained a share of per capita grain land, a subsistence plot or plots that could provide food for survival but not enough income to live o.In so far as their main source of livelihood was concerned, these men and women became wage workers, but they did not forego all land-use right.They simply abstained or lost out in the scramble for contract rights to land used for commodity productio

  • File Name: TT82i.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: The Titoites -- Part 1
  • 1 Occurence(s) of the search term womenDescription:
    The fresh German troops with air and artillery support wrought havo.Six thousand valiant Serbian, Bosnian, Montenegrin, Croat and Slovenian men and women paid for Tito's treachery with their life's bloo.The author of this terrible history, Tito, as he related himself, was saved by a hair's breadt

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