File Name: TSE68i.html Modified: 28 February 2003 Title: The Transition to Socialist Economy 2 Occurence(s) of the search term Class Struggles in the USSRDescription: -- DJR]
C.Paul Sweezy and Charles Bettelheim, On the Transition to Socialism, New York, Monthly Review Press, 1971 (122 pp.).
This investigation has resulted in the publication of a work entitled Les Luttes de Classes en URSS. The first volume, covering the period 1917-23, was published jointly, in 1974, by Maspero and Editions du Seuil. [Transcriber's Note: See Class Struggles in the USSR, First Period: 1917-1923 and then Class Struggles in the USSR, Second Period: 1923-1930. -- DJR]
C.Charles Bettelheim, Révolution culturelle et organisation industrielle en Chine, Paris, Maspero, I973.
Since this book was translated and set in type ready for press, some books which are referred to in the original French editions have appeared in Englis