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Terms: contradiction

27 File(s) Searched 23 Match(es) Found

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  • File Name: StWorks1.pdf
    Modified: 1 September 2006
  • 6 Occurence(s) of the search term contradictionDescription:
    9). ³Obviously,² a logical contradiction has crept into the programme; ³obviously,² one or several clauses must be deleted from the programme if this contradiction is to be eliminated. Yes, this must ³certainly² be done, for, as you see, logic itself is protesting through the medium of the illogical Sakartvelo

  • File Name: StWorks10.pdf
    Modified: 1 September 2006
  • 8 Occurence(s) of the search term contradictionDescription:
    If non-Party people were to form a group and nominate their candidates at the elections on a platform supporting the Soviet Government, but at the same time were to demand the abolition of the monopoly of foreign trade, could they have their own funds and conduct an active political campaign. INTERVIEW WITH THE FIRST AMERICAN LABOUR DELEGATION 115 ANSWER: I think that there is an irreconcilable contradiction in this question. We cannot conceive of a group basing itself on a platform of support for the Soviet Government and at the same time demanding the abolition of the monopoly of foreign trade

  • File Name: StWorks11.pdf
    Modified: 1 September 2006
  • 18 Occurence(s) of the search term contradictionDescription:
    How can the idea of the alliance of the workers and peasants be reconciled with Leninıs well-known thesis that the peasantry is ³the last capitalist class². Is there not a contradiction here. The contradiction is only an apparent, a seeming one

  • File Name: StWorks12.pdf
    Modified: 1 September 2006
  • 16 Occurence(s) of the search term contradictionDescription:
    .) the not entirely state character of the dictatorship of the proletariat, (dd) the contradiction be tween the state and freedom, (ee) the more correct idea (concept, programmatic term) Œcommunityı instead of state, (.

  • File Name: StWorks13.pdf
    Modified: 1 September 2006
  • 6 Occurence(s) of the search term contradictionDescription:
    Is there not a lack of clarity here.² I think that there is neither lack of clarity nor the slightest contradiction here. In my speech in 1925 I objected to Kautskyıs national-chauvinist theory on the basis of which a victory of the proletarian revolution in the middle of the past century in the united Austro-German state was bound to lead to the merging of the nations into one common German nation, with one common German language, and to the Germanisation of the Czechs

  • File Name: StWorks14.pdf
    Modified: 1 September 2006
  • 2 Occurence(s) of the search term contradictionDescription:
    U.(B) state on the basis of innumerable facts that in the Kolkhozes from a series of regions and Republics and from administrative regions, the monetary revenues are incorrectly distributed in total contradiction with the interests of the Kolkhozines. The management of the Kolkhozes with the direct agreement of the Party organizations, and of the district Soviets, administrative regions, regions and Republics, spend a substantial portion of the revenues on Socialist construction in the Kolkhozes, production and administrative expenses after which the portion of revenues distributed among the Kolkhozines for their daily work, has reduced considerably

  • File Name: StWorks3.pdf
    Modified: 1 September 2006
  • 5 Occurence(s) of the search term contradictionDescription:
    A great revolution and peace. It was this fundamental contradiction that underlay the development of our revolution and of each and every ìcrisis of power.î The ìcrisisî of April 20 and 21 was the first open manifestation of this contradiction

  • File Name: StWorks4.pdf
    Modified: 1 September 2006
  • 1 Occurence(s) of the search term contradictionDescription:
    (Stormy applause.) Replying to Martovıs reproach that the Soviet Government was guilty of a contradiction in demanding proletarian power in the Russian border regions and contenting itself with a referendum in Courland, Lithuania, Poland, etc., as advocated by Trotsky in Brest- Litovsk, Comrade Stalin remarked that it would be utterly absurd to demand Soviet power in the Western regions when they had not yet even Soviets, had not yet had a socialist revolution

  • File Name: StWorks5.pdf
    Modified: 1 September 2006
  • 4 Occurence(s) of the search term contradictionDescription:
    The struggle between these two principal tendencies, expressed in forms that are natural to capitalism, filled the history of the multi-national bourgeois states during the last half-century. The irreconcilable contradiction between these tendencies within the framework of capitalist development was the underlying cause of the internal unsoundness and organic instability of the bourgeois colonial states. Inevitable conflicts: within such states and inevitable wars between them; the disintegration of the old colonial states and the formation of new ones; a new drive for colonies and a new disintegration of the multi-national states leading to a new J

  • File Name: StWorks6.pdf
    Modified: 1 September 2006
  • 15 Occurence(s) of the search term contradictionDescription:
    But there is confusion and a heap of imaginary ³irreconcilable² contradictions. The f i r s t contradiction: contrasting the League as a ³reserve² to the League as an ³instrument² of the Party. What is the League‹a reserve or an instrument

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