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Case: Insensitive Construct: As a phrase Hits Per Page: 10 Terms: contradiction
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File Name: StWorks7.pdf Modified: 1 September 2006 Title: 10 Occurence(s) of the search term contradictionDescription: S T A L I N 28
inter-relations, the contradictions between the exploiting
advanced countries and the exploited backward countries,
the colonies and dependent countries, are becoming sharper
and deeper and are threatening to disrupt capital¹s
³work² from a new and ³unexpected² end. The crisis
in Egypt and in the Sudan‹you have probably read
about i t in the newspapers‹also a number of key
points of contradiction in China, which may set the present
³allies² at loggerheads and wreck the strength
of capital, a new series of key points of contradiction
in North Africa, where Spain is losing Morocco, towards
which France is stretching out her hands, but which she
will be unable to take because Britain will not permit
France to gain control over Gibraltar‹all these are facts
which are in many ways reminiscent of the pre-war period
and which are bound to imperil the ³constructive work²
of international capital.
Such are the gains and losses in the total balancesheet
of the development of contradictions
File Name: StWorks8.pdf Modified: 1 September 2006 Title: 5 Occurence(s) of the search term contradictionDescription: This
special form of alliance consists in that the leader of
the state, the leader in the system of the dictatorship
of the proletariat is one party, the party of the proletariat,
the Party of the Communists, which does not
and cannot share leadership with other parties.
As you see, the contradiction is only an apparent,
a seeming one.
³The dictatorship of the proletariat,² says Lenin, ³is a special
form of class alliance* between the proletariat, the vanguard
of the working people, and the numerous non-proletarian strata
of working people (the petty bourgeoisie, the small proprietors,
the peasantry, the intelligentsia, etc
File Name: StWorks9.pdf Modified: 1 September 2006 Title: 16 Occurence(s) of the search term contradictionDescription:
I might point, next, to the fifth stage in the development
of our Party, the period preceding the October
Revolution of 1917, when a section of the Bolsheviks,
headed by well-known leaders of the Bolshevik Party,
wavered and were against undertaking the October
uprising, considering it an adventure. We know that
this contradiction, too, the Bolsheviks overcame not
by slurring over the disagreements, but by an open
struggle for the October Revolution. Experience of the
struggle showed that if we had not overcome those disagreements
we might have placed the October Revolution
in a critical position
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