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Terms: bukharin

165 File(s) Searched 26 Match(es) Found

Match(es) 16 to 20

  • File Name: SC30.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: Political Report of the C.C. to XVI Party Congress
  • 5 Occurence(s) of the search term bukharinDescription:
        There are no other mean.     Only people who have lost their heads can seek a way out in bukharin's childish formula about the capitalist elements peacefully growing into socialis.In our country development has not proceeded and is not proceeding according to Bukharin's formul

  • File Name: SCPUSA29.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: Stalin's Speeches on the CPUSA
  • 3 Occurence(s) of the search term bukharinDescription:
    The political blows of Comrade Stalin's speeches were directed against unprincipled factionalism of both factions in the American Party -- the former majority and minority group.One of the most revolting features of this unprincipled factionalism was the speculation on the divergencies in the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, and in this respect Comrade Stalin mercilessly unmasked pretensions of the former minority to be "Stalinites" in the United States as well as Lovestone's stock exchange speculation at the Sixth Party Convention on the bukharin questio.     Blinded by factionalism, both factions not only did not see or did not show to the Party the opportunist mis- page 8 takes of their "own" groups, but failed to find an escape from the years long factional strife which disarmed the American Party in the face of the class enemies and compromised the Party in the eyes of the American worker

  • File Name: SDD26.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: The Social-Democratic Deviation in Our Party
  • 2 Occurence(s) of the search term bukharinDescription:
    I have in mind Trotsky's letter to the oppositionist.     Here is what this document says:     "The Leningrad opposition promptly raised the alarm at the slurring over of differentiation in the countryside, at the increase of the kulaks and the growth of their influence not only on the elemental economic processes, but also on the policy of the Soviet Government; at the fact that in the ranks of our own Party there has arisen, under bukharin's patronage, a school of theory which clearly reflects the pressure of the elemental forces of the petty bourgeoisie in our economy; the Leningrad opposition vigorously opposed the theory of socialism in one country as being a theoretical justification of national narrow-mindednes.. . ."*     * My italic

  • File Name: SEP26.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: The Seventh Enlarged Plenum of the E.C.C.I.
  • 6 Occurence(s) of the search term bukharinDescription:
    How is it that nobody raised this question before 1925?"     It follows, then, that before 1925 this question was not raised in our Part.It follows that this question was raised in the Party only by Stalin and bukharin, and that it was in 1925 that they raised i.     Is that tru

  • File Name: SSC17.html
    Modified: 20 August 2002
    Title: Speeches at the Sixth Congress of the R.S.D.L.P.
  • 9 Occurence(s) of the search term bukharinDescription:
        I shall now pass to the substance of the matte.bukharin put it most trenchantly but he, too, failed to carry it to its logical conclusio.Bukharin asserts that the imperialist bourgeois have formed a bloc with the muzhik

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