File Name: STRC21.html Modified: 20 August 2002 Title: Political Strategy and Tactics 1 Occurence(s) of the search term bukharinDescription: Consequently, all work must be directed towards the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletaria.
b) The adoption, as a basis, of the conclusion, arrived at by Marxist theory and confirmed by revolutionary practice, that the strategy and tactics of the Communist Party of any country can be correct only if they are not confined to the interests of "their own" country, "their own" fatherland, "their own" proletariat, but, on the contrary, if, while taking into account the conditions
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and situation in their own country, they make the interests of the international proletariat, the interests of the revolution in other countries, the corner-stone, i.e., if, in essence, in spirit, they are internationalist, if they do "the utmost possible in one (their own) country for the development, support and awakening of the revolution in all countries " (see Lenin's book The Proletarian Revolution and the Renegade Kautsky [25]).
c) The adoption, as a starting point, of the repudiation of all doctrinairism (Right and Left) when changing strategy and tactics, when working out new strategic plans and tactical lines (Kautsky, Axelrod, Bogdanov, bukharin), repudiation of the contemplative method and the method of quoting texts and drawing historical parallels, artificial plans and lifeless formulas (Axelrod, Plekhanov); recognition that it is necessary to stand by the point of view of Marxism, not to "lie down on it," that it is necessary to "change" the world, not "merely to interpret" it, that it is necessary to lead the proletariat and be the conscious expression of the unconscious process, and not "contemplate the proletariat's rear" and drag at the tail of events (see Lenin's "Spontaneity and Consciousness"[26] and the well-known passage in Marx's Communist Manifesto [27] to the effect that the Communists are the most far-sighted and advanced section of the proletaria.
Illustrate each of these principles with facts from the revolutionary movement in Russia and in the West, especially the second principle, and the thir
File Name: TC23.html Modified: 20 August 2002 Title: The Twelfth Congress of the R.C.P.(B.) 7 Occurence(s) of the search term bukharinDescription: It will take about twenty minutes, not mor.
The first point is that a group of comrades headed by bukharin and Rakovsky has over-emphasised the significance of the national question, has exaggerated it, and has allowed it to overshadow the social question, the question of working-class powe.
It is clear to us, as Communists, that the basis of all our work lies in strengthening the power of the workers, and that only after that are we confronted by the other question, a very important one but subordinate to the first, namely, the national questio