File Name: YGC29.html Modified: 20 August 2002 Title: A Year of Great Change 2 Occurence(s) of the search term bukharinDescription:
page 434
How can anyone doubt that we are advancing at an accelerated pace in the direction of developing our heavy industry, exceeding our former speed and leaving behind our "age old" backwardnes.
Is it surprising after this that the targets of the five-year plan were exceeded during the past year, and that the optimum variant of the five-year plan, which the bourgeois scribes regard as "wild fantasy," and which horrifies our Right opportunists (bukharin's group), has actually turned out to be a minimum varian.
"The salvation of Russia," says Lenin, "lies not only in a good harvest on the peasant farms -- that is not enough; and not only in the good condition of light industry, which provides the peasantry with consumer goods -- that, too, is not enough; we also need heavy industr