File Name: ITC21.html Modified: 20 August 2002 Title: The Immediate Tasks of Communism 29 Occurence(s) of the search term economicDescription:
It scarcely needs proof that with the outbreak of the Civil War the world split up into two opposite camps, the imperialist camp headed by the Entente, and the socialist camp headed by Soviet Russia; that in the first camp are all kinds of capitalist, "democratic" and Menshevik states, and in the second are the Soviet states, including Georgi.The principal feature of the situation in which the Soviet countries find themselves today is that the period of armed struggle between the two above-mentioned camps ended with a more or less prolonged armistice between them; that the period of war has been superseded by a period of peaceful economic construction of the Soviet republic.Before, in the war period, so to speak, the Soviet republics operated under the general
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slogan "All for the war," for the Soviet republics were a beleaguered camp, blockaded by the imperialist state
File Name: ITNQ21.html Modified: 20 August 2002 Title: Immediate Tasks of the Party in the National Question 11 Occurence(s) of the search term economicDescription: This widened the national question and, finally, by the very course of developments merged it with the general question of the colonies; and national oppression was transformed from an intra-state question into an inter-state question, a question of the struggle (and war) between the "great" imperialist powers for the subjugation of weak, unequal nationalitie.
5. The imperialist war, which laid bare to the roots the irreconcilable national contradictions and internal bankruptcy of the bourgeois multi-national states, extremely intensified the national conflicts within the victor colonial states (Britain, France, Italy), caused the utter disintegration of the vanquished old multi-national states (Austria, Hungary, Russia in 1917), and finally, as the most "radical" bourgeois solution of the national question, led to the formation of new bourgeois national states (Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Finland, Georgia, Armenia, etc.). But the formation of the new independent national states did not, and could not, bring about the peaceful co-existence of nationalities; it did not, and could not, eliminate either national inequality or national oppression, for the new national states, being based on private property and class inequality, cannot exist:
a) without oppressing their national minorities (Poland, which oppresses Byelorussians, Jews, Lithuanians and Ukrainians; Georgia, which oppresses Ossetians, Abkhazians and Armenians; Yugoslavia, which oppresses Croatians, Bosnians, etc.);
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b) without enlarging their territories at the expense of their neighbours, which gives rise to conflicts and wars (Poland against Lithuania, the Ukraine and Russia; Yugoslavia against Bulgaria; Georgia against Armenia, Turkey, etc.);
c) without submitting to the financial, economic and military domination of the "great" imperialist power.
6. Thus, the post-war period reveals a sombre picture of national enmity, inequality, oppression, conflicts, war, and imperialist brutality on the part of the nations of the civilised countries, both towards one another and towards the unequal nation
File Name: LBR17.html Modified: 20 August 2002 Title: Lagging Behind the Revolution 3 Occurence(s) of the search term economicDescription: 3, p.61-66.
Prepared © for the Internet by David J. Romagnolo, (November 2000)
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The revolution is advancing, growing deeper and wider, spreading from one sphere to another, and revolutionizing the whole social and economic life of the country from top to botto.
Invading industry, it is raising the demand for control and regulation of production by the workers (Donets Basi